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Nylon Paracord vs Polyester Paracord - 550 Parachute Cord

Our Polyester Paracord and Nylon Paracord are very similar. In fact most stores won't tell you that you are purchasing polyester paracord because most people don't know the difference.

Mr. Paracord Nylon and Polyester Paracord both have the same 550 breaking strength. The reason why we differentiate between the two is because some people only want Nylon. A lot of people who have a military background will exclusively order Nylon because they are familiar with the product.

Polyester is slowing becoming a standard as well. A lot of US manufactures can’t keep up with the demand for Nylon paracord because Nylon manufactures have increased the price of the material. Therefore manufacturers have started to produce only Polyester paracord. 

Polyester is slightly firmer than Nylon but it is still very flexible. It works great for paracord bracelets and outdoor projects.